Ethnicity Pay Gap Update

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You may or may not have seen an article written by Nadine White in the Independent Newspaper on Friday 13th May 2022. It noted that there was a ‘lack of will’ by the government to tackle the race disparity after ministers refused to introduce mandatory reporting. We all know that a recent statement from the government has given companies a ‘get out of jail’ card which affords them the luxury of not reporting their Ethnicity Pay Gap. Yes I am aware some organisation have reported their pay gap, but it was reported this year that there has been a 50% decline in companies reporting.

In the same article I was afforded space to make comment about the government’s attitude towards conversations to progress mandatory reporting. In the article I stated, “The government is again showing its true colours by rejecting calls for cross-party MPs to introduce mandatory ethnicity pay gap reporting. There is no desire from this government to make the ethnicity pay gap mandatory to report,”

“Ministers are embarrassing themselves by taking this stance because there are many organisations supporting mandatory reporting and the groundswell of support for the #EthnicityPayGap campaign is growing.

“With the cost of living forever increasing, those who are affected by the ethnicity pay gap are demanding change now and will not accept the laissez-faire attitude the government is taking.”

In the same week this article came out, I presented at two events. Both were discussions about the Ethnicity Pay Gap. In each, the audience were visible shocked by the information I shared with them. I challenged people in one of the events, to tell me what they would do after hearing my presentation. The flurry of information in the chat box was astounding, many outlining their desire to make changes by challenging their companies, giving support to their employees and supporting the #EthnicityPayGap campaign by purchasing the campaign T-shirt.

The government will have to bow to the pressure of the people to make the Ethnicity Pay Gap Mandatory to report. More and more the campaign message is being heard and the people want action. There are no excuses for in-action, this pay disparity is detrimental situation for people affected by the Ethnicity Pay Gap and is worse because we are grip of austerity.

The Ethnicity Pay Gap Campaign has been nominated for an award. Let’s bring this campaign to the masses, I urge you to vote.
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