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I thought about creating a little video of thanks to everyone who supported Ethnicity Pay Gap day but I felt I needed to say more about all that was happening.

I started engaging with everyone on the 3rd of January, to get people prepared for Ethnicity Pay Gap Day. Each day I released something different and encourage people to make comment and to let me know what they planned for Ethnicity Pay Gap day. I even appeared as a guest columnist for Fair Play Talks.

With all the activity, I must say the engagement was not as much as I hoped, but I was still happy nevertheless. I felt it was important to get the message out there that Ethnicity Pay Gap Day was around the corner.

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Ethnicity Pay Gap Day 2023 – picture taken by my son

As I woke up on Sunday 8th January, I was ready to really push the communications out there for maximum engagement. I had created a video that I was going to launch first thing in the morning and took a picture with a view to drawing attention on the day. Imagine my surprise when I went on to LinkedIn I saw 25 messages relating to Ethnicity Pay Gap Day waiting for me to review and respond to. As I went through them more started coming, it took me two hours to go through the first batch.

On Twitter, similar was happening, before I even had a chance to post anything, people engaged with Ethnicity Pay Gap Day. I was happy to see the post by a young journalist from Mancunian Matters a Manchester online publication who interviewed me in the week for a piece she was writing. There were also messages from companies and individual who were posting in solidarity of the #EthnicityPayGap Campaign and Ethnicity Pay Gap Day.

It wasn’t only Mancunian Matters that gave coverage of Ethnicity Pay Gap Day. Features appeared in The Voice Online and BBC Radio Manchester

As I write, more messages are coming through that I will review and respond too. Engagement has been happening right through the day with a continuous flow through the night. I truly believe that with all the engagement that has happened, change is inevitable. It may not be tomorrow, next month or next year but it will come.

Keep supporting the #EthnicityPayGap Campaign. Be a visible company supporter by sending an email to to find out further information on what being a visible supporter entails. If you want to be an individual supporter go to the support us page using the link below.

Ethnicity Pay Gap Website

We can make a difference, all it takes is unity!

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